Affordable Sliding Windows in Singapore

Enhance Your Home with Sleek Sliding Windows. Designed for Space and Comfort.

Sliding Window

What is a Sliding Window?

Sliding windows are windows where panels move horizontally along a track, providing a seamless transition and maximizing space efficiency. Ideal for modern living spaces, these windows provide a sleek design without compromising on functionality.

These windows are typically made with aluminium frames. Sliding windows also come with various glass options such as clear, frosted or tinted glass. This allows for different style and privacy preferences to be met.

The Pros and Cons of Sliding Windows


  • Cost-Effectiveness: Sliding windows are generally more affordable, providing a budget-friendly option without sacrificing quality.
  • Space-Saving: Perfect for compact areas such as service yards or common corridors in HDB flats. Unlike casement windows, sliding windows do not require extra space to operate.
  • Customization Options: Homeowners can choose from various types of windows such as frosted or tinted glass to enhance privacy. To enhance safety, we can help to install window grilles.
  • Improved Ventilation Options: Sliding windows can be designed with top-hung windows to allow for better airflow while maintaining privacy by keeping the bottom window closed.
  • Versatility in Design: Available from two to six panels, our windows can be tailored to meet specific ventilation needs and aesthetic preferences.


  • Limited Full Opening: Unlike other window types, sliding windows cannot be fully opened, potentially limiting maximum ventilation. Consider Swing and Slide Window if you are looking for an unblock panoramic view.
  • Maintenance of Tracks: The tracks need regular cleaning to prevent dust and debris, which could hinder smooth operation.
  • Initial Cost vs Longevity: Certain windows may have a higher initial cost because of their unique features. These features can include sliding windows with adjustable louvres or top-hung sections. The additional materials and labour required for these features contribute to the higher upfront cost.

Contact Us for a Free Site Visit and Quotation

Elevate the comfort and style of your home with our high-quality sliding windows tailored to fit your unique needs. Whether you’re replacing your existing HDB windows or are in the process of selecting windows for a new BTO flat, we’re here to help. Our window contractor ensure compliance with all HDB regulations and handle all necessary permits at no extra cost to you. Customize your windows to perfectly match your home’s style by choosing from a variety of frame and glass colors.

Contact us today to schedule a free site visit and receive a personalized quotation. Enhance your living space with sliding windows that blend functionality with modern design, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.

Beautify your window view now!

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